Monday, September 24, 2007

Good Times

Frankie's potty training is coming along well. We still have accidents, but we also have lots of success! The boys are int their Rockford football shirts in the picture above. Also, you can see the size difference in the two babies quite well.

I gave Peter some prunes for the first time the other day. It was a challenge not to get the jumper dirty! He seemed to like them and they (the prunes) did their job.

I gave him the K-Mart add this morning to play with. He was entertained for about 20 minutes!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Potty Training and Sitting Up

Well, we've begun to potty train Frankie and things are off to a rocky start! He refused to use the potty at all yesterday and as a result I had a couple of messes to clean up. We all hope that today is a bit more successful. The good news is that he is very excited to wear his big boy underwear. I'll let you know as soon as we make any serious progress in this department.

He is as cute as ever when dressed in his Daddy's clothes. This is his favorite time of day (Mom's too!!).

Peter is as sweet (and bald) as ever, of course. I think he will be crawling shortly, as he is scooting everywhere! He is just begining to sit up and is such a treat to be around!