Wheaton Regional Park has not only a carousel, but a 10 minute train ride where you go over a bridge and thru a tunnel. Matt and I have only ever been to this park with the kids in the winter - thus we were limited to the play equiptment. Well, that all changed today! We rode the train twice. We rode the carousel first. We ate our packed lunch and enjoyed the fantastic weather!

The kids enjoyed "driving" the cars at the playground. I am shocked that Peter is already old enough to have fun doing this!

Frankie is just playing. You can see me and Pete off in the distance. There is a lot of shade at this park - very nice!

I love this photo of Pete! He is such a happy kid.

Frankie can't wait for the train to arrive! Unfortunately, it is too late to post a pic of the train, and I didn't get any stills of the kids on the train. We are definitely going back to this park...to this train!

The boys had a great time on the Carousel.