Sunday, October 26, 2014

Martin's Baptized

There's supposed to be a nice picture of Martin with Abby and Mike HERE, but I cant get blogger to work.

It was a beautiful fall day, and Martin was FANTASTIC. He didn't cry at all - just like Pete, and was AWAKE - unlike Pete, for the entire baptism. I'm so happy for him and excited to see what God has in store for him in his lifetime. He can conquer the world now!

Monday, October 20, 2014

Light Weight

I took Martin in for his 2 month checkup and big fatso weighed in at 9lbs 13oz. Six whole ounces bigger than he was at birth. TWO months ago. Fourth percentile aside, Martin is doing great, and I'm so grateful He is happy and healthy! Luckily for me, he saved his big blowout poop (up the back allllll the way to the neck) for after his doctor's visit and weigh in. So, as I whisked him up to the tub, stepping in cheese itz vin had dumped all over the floor, because that was not the snack he wanted, I was a bit frazzled. Poor Martin also got his vaccinations today in the form of THREE shots and one oral. And it's hard to find a place to stick a skinny baby in the leg, let alone 3x. So I felt guilty about stripping him down and throwing his screaming self in the tub. What I didn't expect, but should have, was vin jumping in the tub too. Fully clothed. Both boys were screaming after the fact, because they were wet and cold. 

You can guess which one I haven't dressed yet. Is it bed time yet??! Good news is they're both clean : )

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Grandpa Visits, Nana Too

And Marty has had ENUFF of the park.

Not the park, but too cute to leave out of the post!

Gus Gus

This boy. Good thing he is so cute, otherwise he'd be in serious trouble.
Added from my phone, not my fancy camera. That's clearly why I look like the old lady who lived in the shoe.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Martin Jerome

Turns out She was a He and Martin Jerome is here! All 9lb 7oz's of him. What a big guy! He came in about two hours and is tremendously loved by all. I will let the pictures speak for themselves:

Sunday, July 13, 2014

A Sink Swap

I have been waiting for a utility sink for 6 years - since we bought the house! Now we are really ready for all those baby poop blow-outs!

Taking the old sink off the wall.

Measuring where to cut the pipe.

Soooooo gross. Good riddance.

Getting ready to glue in the new elbow joint!

All done! And the best part is we got the whole project completed during Vinny's nap time!

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Movie Night at the Boersma's

We took a picture to remember the night in case one of us doesn't make it to Rose's shower. 

The kids loved the lego movie night in the driveway. All the pictures I took of the outdoor theatre are on my big-girl camera, so I'll have to post one later, after I transfer them to the computer. Mitch did a great job with the whole set-up.

Also, in breaking news, Vincent is well on his way to becoming potty trained! Just in time for the baby's arrival, too. And, mom, our toilet is allllmoooost back in our master bathroom, just in time for your re-entry into the greater DMV area.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Agnes is 5ive!

I am late to the posting game for Agnes's birthday, but better late than never.

She is a gymnastic star. Well, at least in my book!

If you would like to see her birthday cake, look at my instagram on the side bar. She majorly helped decorate the butterfly, and had a grand time.

She is FINALLY off tomorrow for her sleepover at aunt cups. Not a moment too soon! I've never witnessed such a dedicated countdown before from one of my kids.

She is such a beautiful girl and a delight to be around. She had brought an abundance of unexpected joy to our family! We love you, Agnes!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Trouble Maker

^^That trouble maker turned two the past Saturday. I am pretty sure he was trying to climb into the sea lion tank at the zoo in the picture. Go figure. We had a great day at the zoo, complete with great weather and fantastic parking. He had an ice cream cake for desert and a bath, all by himself - then bed. He was totally pleased with the day, and so was everyone else. For as much trouble as Vincent is, I love that the zoo, some ice cream, and a bath is all it takes to make him feel special and happy on his birthday. And when that boy is happy, he is on top of the world:

You mean this is all because of ME?!

Can't find a happier guy.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


*I added this to the One Hot Mess link-up via The Fike Life, because it is too good not to*

Not a post for the faint of heart. Vin must have realized he had not yet secured the position as our first and only child who needed a trip to the ER, so he checked that off of his bucket list tonight. And just like that - poof - our 9 year and 1 day stint of kids, minus the ER is over. Thank God it was as peaceful and stress-free as it could have been. They whisked our whole family away to the pediatric floor as soon as we got there and gave us a private room filled with toys, nickelodeon, and Popsicles, and he settled in quite nicely, right quick. They also had a play room filled with a wii and a Xbox for the three other kids and Matt. Most importantly, what looked like a wound that would require a suture, was a wound that they gave us a choice to suture and we unanimously chose NO! So, for the bargain price of $100, the Bronzis partied it up in the ER  this evening; and all the kids agreed that it was an awesome night out.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Frank is 9

And happy birthday to Dad, too! (But, Dad, you only get one pic)

We had a good day, which began with Mass on Divine Mercy Sunday and the canonization of two popes. What a day to be born! 

He wanted to go walk around the mall, so that is what he did - mall walk. And the cake and toys were a hit, too - as always.

Happy Birthday, Frankie. We love you!