Thursday, December 24, 2015

Christmas Eve

The excitement level is thru the roof; Anticipation and hopes are high!

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Frankie's Flag Football

Frankie played flag football for the first time this fall season and really enjoyed it. His team, I believe, was undefeated - Go Titans!! It was a really special to watch him play and have as much fun as he did! We are very proud of him!

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Date Night at the Autumn Auction

We had a sitter and got all dressed up. It was quite the auction with a lot of enticing baskets to bid on. However, I believe it was all too rich for our blood and we were out bit, which is not a bad thing at such an event. I had the sitter snap a couple of pictures before we left:

Sunday, November 1, 2015


We had a great time with all the VA Barvicks and Nana and Aunt Cups and Uncle Sean. We missed the Boersma Family and Grandpa! I am so glad this holiday is only once a year. It's pure torture for someone who is not dressup inclined, but happens to have 5 kids who love it. Happy Halloween!



Chris Farley

Taylor Swift


Man in the Moon

Man in the Moon with Constellations and Pope Francis

Beautiful Cat

The doting Grandmother

The gracious host

The happy little family

FAT Olaf

The group pic was not happening

Walkin the beat

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Labor Day

We spent the afternoon at an apple orchard not far from our house, Distillery Lane Cider Works. We had a nice time outside with the kids and Matt and I had a nice tasting of their house brewed hard ciders. Winning.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Back to school

The kids are back at school. Agnes is a first grader at brookewood and Pete is a third grader and Frank a fifth grader at Avalon. Knock em dead, kids! And there were NO tears!!

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Number One, Baby Marty!

We made it to a year. I made it to his first birthday! This kid is tough, and I'm exhausted. BUT!!! Look at that smile. So adorable. And he learned to walk mere days before he turned one. I'm looking forward to his new found independence and will try to better enjoy our time spent together nursing, as I know the days are numbered. We love you, Marty!

And for his birthday present, we sidecar-ed his crib to our bed with the hope of him and I sleeping more than we have been and in separate spaces. Happy birthday! Nothing says I love you like a permanent space in my bed. For real.

Friday, March 20, 2015

My Four Boys

I need to update with loads of pictures, but for now just one will have to suffice.

And don't be fooled into thinking the drama in this house is on the light side. Oh no. Boys. Got. Plenty. Such sweet brothers!