Thursday, August 15, 2013

Outer Banks - 7QT

Abby and Mike went to the beach and were kind enough to invite the Bronzis along for part of their trip.  It was awesome. Totally exhausting, but worth it.  It was a trip full of making wonderful memories of boogie boarding, late night dinners and bed times, miniature golf, kite flying, ghost crab hunting, fireworks on the beach, donuts for breakfast, and perhaps, most memorable, never-ending Gatorade.

We watched the sunrise over the beach, or tried too.  It was quite cloudy.  And early. But the donuts that followed made up for the painful wake up time.

Bill can rock the t-Rex arms!  Pete and bill can rock the jams on the beach.  Cuuute boys.  They played about 1,000 baseball games.

These two can be summed up with one word: trouble.  Do not be fooled by their cute faces.  Trust me, they've fooled ME before and it's not pretty.  It was pretty much a toddler free-for-all.  Like, all the live-long week.  You want as many donuts as you can eat for breakfast Win and Vin?  Sure.  Why not?!?!!

Exhibit 2, see above.  Toddlers allowed to roam free, practically naked?  Yup. Anytime.  Anywhere. I don't think our parenting skillz are exemplar.  I call this picture 'party on the roof'.

Vin loved on some doggies-woof-woof, as he calls them.  'twas adorable.  It was like a stuffed animal, but alive.

These gals are the best. Agnes got to do all the girl things with GIRLS that she normally has to do by herself.  Sisters are awesome, but girl cousins are the next best thing when you ain't got no sisters.  Just ask Nes.  They particularly come through in an I-want-to-get-buried-in-the-sand pinch.

Kill devil hill pic.  Unfortunately this was penciled into the schedule at the same time as the lulu meltdown.  Sooo, she was behind Agnes, to the left, busy rolling in the brush getting burs stuck all in her hair.  Good job catching those, Mike.

*Disclaimer:  lulu was not the only kiddo who had pencilled in multiple meltdowns into the schedule; vin, win, and nessie did that too.  Lots.

I am feeling largely blessed.  Not only do we have this fantastic, good-looking group of smart and kind kiddos, but we got to spend a week at the beach together.  And while it was an exhausting trip, it is the good, satisfying exhaustion.  The kind where you look back on all of your work and survey it and feel an enormous sense of pride and accomplishment.  And, mostly, gratefulness for all you have been given.

Now, I am going to link this up to Jen's 7 Quick Takes over at Conversion Diary.  Go check out everyone else's here.

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