Sunday, August 11, 2013

First Link-Up

I am taking the dive and joining Fine Linen and Purple for their What I Wore Sunday Link-Up.  Go check out all the other ladies here.

Now the big question is - am I web savvy enough to put together a working link-up post?  We shall see.  I've been tooling around the old blog the past few days and blogger sure ain't what it used to be!  The last time I tried to switch things around was about the time I put the blog together in 2007 and things have changed.  Not to mention that getting a picture taken either before or after mass with 4 little ones running around is HARD, as in like almost impossible.  So, kudos to the regular participants.  This may be my first and last time joining.  For true.

The very same toddler is screaming at my feet.  As I type.  Boo!!

Dress: Ann Taylor via Goodwill
Shoes: Target, on super sale.
Necklace: Overstock, anniversary gift from back in the day.
So, I blame the messy house on the destructive and majorly always-out-of-sorts toddler.  Looking at you, Vin.

I did it!


Jen M said...

Very cute dress! I take pics in my bathroom for the mirror so you sometimes see toothbrushes and stuff. It's all good. :)

Mary said...

I hear you! I always want to participate, but making it to Mass on time is a big enough challenge as it is (and we only have three). SO kudos to you!

Unknown said...

Thanks, Mary! Sundays are always fun days with the kids at Mass. Thankfully, with the exception of my antsy toddler, the bigger kids have their behavior under control. So, that gives me hope for the baaaad boy ;). And, this week we get to go twice!