Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The Witching Hour

Yesterday was rough for me and Vin come 5 o'clock. We had spent practically ALL afternoon outside enjoying the glorious, warm, sunny weather and when it came time to come inside, so I could prep the house - just the teencyist bit - for the boys coming home he had had it. Having spent all afternoon outside, he hadn't naped and I couldn't get anything done with him hanging all over me, so I resorted to my latest afternoon trick:

I caged him in front of the tv. And he looked like this^^. You can imagine the sound that came along with that face. And I only managed to get the dishwasher unloaded too. Matt had gotten stuck in traffic, and was not getting home until later than I had anticipated him arriving, so I decided to forego the kitchen and dinner and rescue the boy. At this point, I was afraid he may very well be my first child to work himself into a fit-throwing vomit frenzy....but thankfully we didn't let it get to that point:

All became right in his universe and MY peace was restored. Dinner was made as soon as Matt got home (shortly after I snapped this ^^) and the rest of the kitchen was cleaned. Buuuut, most importantly, my two babies are still asleep, and it's almost 8 o'clock the next morning. I think I will definitely do a repeat of yesterday - weather permitting -  and spend the day outdoors soaking up the sun and playing in the dirt. Exhausted kids are worth the fits sometimes....so long as they sleep in the end.

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